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Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy)

October 22, 2021 / By Nihat.Gulaydin-2021 / Posted in Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is currently the most commonly performed obesity surgery in the world. This method is the process of removing 70-80% of the stomach longitudinally under the guidance of a 37 F tube and transforming it into a "tube" shape. By leaving the stomach capacity at a volume of around 200cc, food intake is limited and patients lose weight. While patients lose weight rapidly in the first three months, this rate slows down afterwards. It is aimed to lose all excess weight at the end of 1.5 years. For this purpose, a special diet program and follow-up protocol is applied to patients.

What are the advantages?

  • It is technically simple and has a shorter surgery time.

  • Ghrelin reduces appetite by lowering hormone levels.

  • Since the pylorus is intact, dumping syndrome does not occur.

  • The risk of malnutrition is low.

  • It may be done on certain patients with high-risk medical conditions.

  • It can be done as a first step in patients with severe obesity.

  • It can be used as a bridge to gastric bypass or SADI-S (Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileal Bypass+Sleeve Gastrectomy) procedures.

  • It provides effective weight loss and helps improve obesity-related conditions.

What are the disadvantages?

  • A part of the stomach is irreversibly lost.

  • Leaks may be seen from the stapler line.

  • People with reflux may experience progression or reflux formation.

  • It may cause a painful burning sensation in the chest.

  • It is less effective on metabolism compared to bypass procedures.

To whom is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Applied?

  • People who are extremely obese (i.e. those with a Body Mass Index over 40 kg/m²),

  • Those who have a body mass index between 35-40 and have additional diseases related to obesity; hypertension, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, etc. It is suitable for those who experience discomfort.

  • Although the age range in which stomach reduction surgery is performed is 18-65, the person in question must have a Body Mass Index value of 35 and above, determined by the World Health Organization, in order to be eligible for the surgery. In order for stomach reduction surgery to be performed on people under the age of 18 with these values, a physician's committee decision and parental approval are required. For individuals over the age of 65, the necessity of surgery and the person's health condition are evaluated.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I do not meet the criteria for surgery, but I want to look slimmer, I need to slim down. Can this surgery be applied to me?

    • We would like to inform you that our answer to this question is, unfortunately, "No". Gastric sleeve surgery is not performed for aesthetic and beautiful appearance. Our advice to you would be to get help from a nutritionist.

  • How long does gastric sleeve surgery take?

    • The average duration of the surgery is 1.5 hours.

  • How many days should I stay in the hospital after gastric sleeve surgery?

    • After the surgery, patients stay in the hospital for 2-3 days, then they can return home.

  • How much weight can be lost in 1 month after gastric sleeve surgery?

    • The target in the first month is a weight loss of 10-15 kg. Generally, by the third month, the patient has lost 25-30 kilos.

  • When do the stitches heal after sleeve gastrectomy surgery?

    • Since sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure performed laparoscopically, the small incisions made during the surgery will heal completely within a week and your return to your routine will be as early as possible.

  • When can I walk and swim?

    • Walking and swimming can be done 1 week after the surgery.

  • When can I return to work?

    • Patients who are discharged after 2-3 days of hospitalization and who do not develop any problems can return to work after 1 week.

  • How will my sexual life be affected? Can I get pregnant?

    • After two weeks, our sexual life can be normal, but pregnancy should be postponed for 1 year.

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