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Bariatric Recipes

November 25, 2021 / By Nihat.Gulaydin-2021 / Posted in Nutrition and Diet

Bariatric Date Ice Cream


  • 2 dates

  • 100 g light labneh cheese

  • Half a tea glass of light milk

  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa


We remove the seeds of the dates and leave them in water to soften. After the dates soften, we mix all the ingredients and pass them through the rondo. Then we keep the mixture in the deep freezer for 3-4 hours. You can serve it when it is completely frozen.

Bariatric Zucchini Soup with Labneh


  • 1 zucchini

  • 1-2 green onions

  • 1 glass of light milk

  • 1 glass of water

  • 100 g light labneh cheese

  • very little salt


We chop the green onion. We grate the zucchini. We cook both of them in a pot with very little oil. When the onion and zucchini release themselves, we add the water. We put it through the blender. Then we add milk and light labneh and blend them again. Once it starts cooking, you can take it off the stove and serve.

Note: Consume the liquid and puree through a strainer. You can choose a fluid consistency in the liquid phase and a thicker consistency in the puree phase.

Bariatric Cookies


  • 2 Ripe Bananas

  • 40 g Protein Powder (You can choose banana or chocolate.)

  • 8 Tbsp Oatmeal


Put banana, oats and protein powder in a food processor, respectively. Mix all the ingredients with a rondo until they achieve integrity. Then, place baking paper on your baking tray and shape your cookies into whatever shape you want, as long as they are thin. You can make the middle a little more hollow so that it cooks well. If you have difficulty while shaping, or if it falls apart or does not hold together, you can use labneh or milk to make the ingredients stick together. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and bake the cookies you prepared for 7-8 minutes.

Bariatric Puff Bread


  • 3 eggs

  • 100 g Labneh Cheese (Strained yoghurt or milk curd can be used.)

  • 1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder (Can be used in baking soda)

  • 1 Pinch of Salt


Separate the yolks and whites of the eggs. Beat the egg whites and salt with a mixer until you get a thick consistency. On the other hand, whisk the egg yolks, cheese and baking powder thoroughly. Add half of this mixture to the egg white and salt mixture. The most important point of this bread is that you mix the two mixtures slowly with a spatula from bottom to top without deflating. Pour the remaining mixture and mix slowly until it is completely homogeneous. Line a rectangular baking tray with baking paper. Place the mixture into circles in 6 equal parts. If you wish, you can also bake it in muffin molds. Bake in the oven preheated to 150 degrees until the top is golden brown. You can consume it after resting for 4-5 hours.

Protein Pancakes


  • 15 g Protein Powder (Vanilla or any flavor you want)

  • 50 ml Skim Milk

  • 1 Egg White

  • 30 g Oat Bran (You can increase the amount of protein powder instead.)


We put all the ingredients in the blender. Then we pour the ingredients we prepared into the greased pan with the help of a napkin. We cook on very low heat for 3-4 minutes (you can add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon if desired).

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