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Nutritional Principles in Bariatric Surgery

November 25, 2021 / By Nihat.Gulaydin-2021 / Posted in Nutrition and Diet

Preoperative Nutrition

Since it is difficult to predict the success or failure of the surgical procedure to be performed on the patient for whom surgery is planned, obesity and metabolism surgeons must decide which bariatric surgery operation will be performed. The operation decided for the patient is made by taking into consideration the patient's existing diseases, weight loss expectation, and surgical complications. In order to prevent possible surgical complications, extreme care must be taken at every stage of medical, psychological, nutritional and surgical evaluation. Evaluating the nutritional status before surgery is extremely important in changing and maintaining the patient's nutritional habits after surgery.

Post-Surgery Nutrition

After bariatric surgery, evaluation of the patient's nutritional status and regular postoperative follow-up should be mandatory. Deciding on postoperative weight management is extremely important for weight loss.

Nutritional procedures after sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass are generally the same. Food tolerance of patients may vary after surgery. The first stage diet is a nutritional treatment that the patient will follow during his/her stay in the hospital and is limited to 1-3 days and is not recommended for long periods of time.

The second stage diet covers the day the patient is discharged and the first 3 weeks. During this period, the consistencies of foods vary. In the second stage of nutritional treatment, liquid, puree and soft foods are included. In the 3rd stage diet, where changing eating habits is aimed and nutrition education becomes important, the patient can include solid foods in the nutrition program.

The third stage diet aims to provide adequate and balanced nutrition with vitamin and mineral supplements.

Phased Diet Approach

After the surgery, do not eat or drink anything until your doctor and dietitian say anything.

Phase 1 Diet

Clear Liquid Diet (Days 2 and 3 in the Hospital)

It consists of water, apple juice, sugar-free compote, grain-free meat and chicken broth, herbal teas and protein supplement.

You can start drinking water, freshly squeezed apple or grape compote, and warm tea without sugar. Drink 30 ml of these drinks every hour. If there is no problem in drinking 30 ml and you can tolerate it, you can increase the amount to 60 ml.

NOTE: If the 30 ml drink you drank caused nausea, drink 10-20 ml every half hour!

Always pay attention to the signals from your body! Stop drinking as soon as you feel full.

Drink your drinks by sipping slowly. Never use a straw!

Please do not try to finish a drink whose taste you like very much. Stop when you feel full! Remember, you can take a break and continue your drink later!

Consuming too much and too quickly may cause nausea and vomiting. However, if your nausea and vomiting continues despite all your care, please contact your doctor.

Do not consume extremely cold or hot liquids. It may cause pain.

Phase 2 Diet

All Liquid Diet (Week 1)
After you are discharged from the hospital, you should continue on a liquid diet.

If you have not encountered any problems, you should continue the liquid diet until Day 14.

Please consume your fluids slowly to prevent nausea and vomiting. If you can tolerate it, you can drink 60 ml of liquid every half hour. In fact, choose your liquids as 60 ml liquid + 60 ml protein mixture. Please stop when you feel full!

Do not forget to drink 6-8 glasses of water and caffeine-free, sugar-free, low-energy and high-protein beverages.

Do not forget to take your vitamins and minerals as recommended.

You know that protein consumption is extremely important. Therefore, include liquids with high protein content in your diet and do not forget to get at least 60 grams of protein.

Recommended liquids and Semi-Liquids:

Lean meat/chicken broth

Sugar-free fruit drinks

Decaffeinated coffee, light tea

Diluted fruit juice (maximum 120 ml of juice diluted with 120 ml of water per day)

1% fat or skim milk

Soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, lactose-free milk, probiotic milk drink

Low-fat or fat-free yoghurt, probiotic yoghurt (in the form of diluted buttermilk)

Puree Diet (2nd Week After Surgery)

After two weeks of the liquid diet, you will be able to slowly transition to slightly thicker foods. These foods should be blended to a more consistent consistency or thoroughly crushed like baby food.

After the liquid diet, you should follow the puree diet. You should not switch directly to solid foods.

Chewing is your most important key. Foods consumed quickly without chewing may cause nausea and vomiting.

**Solid-liquid separation will be made. Liquids will not be consumed with your meals. Liquids or water should be taken at least 30 minutes before or after your meals.

Make sure to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day to prevent water loss in the body.

• Egg (starting with soft-boiled, can be consumed in oil-free omelette, menemen, boiled form)

• Low-fat or fat-free cheese (curd cheese may be preferred)
• Tofu
• Purees of vegetables that you have boiled, grilled or steamed (for example, roasted eggplant, zucchini and carrots, baked hash browns, etc.) (If you wish, they can be mixed with yoghurt.)
• Grilled, steamed or oven-cooked fish can be preferred.
• Tuna (lean or drained)
• Blenderized soups, mushroom and broccoli soup can be consumed in addition to the soups you started the previous week.
• Soft fruits such as unpeeled apples, peaches, bananas, apricots (except acidic fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, quince, pomegranate, melon, watermelon)
• Mashed 1 medium size (90gr) potato
• Baby purees with less than 10-13 grams of sugar per serving

Soft Solid Nutrition (3rd Week After Surgery)

If you have not had any tolerance problems while following the puree diet, you can gradually switch to soft foods. From now on, you can give up the mixers you have used so far in your diet and prepare your soft diet using a fork.

It is strongly recommended that you try the first food you will try alone. If there is any tolerance problem, you can try the same food again after 1 week.

Please exercise portion control. Choose small colorful plates, forks and spoons for your portions.

Do not forget to take your vitamins and minerals as recommended.

Priority is for Proteins! Never forget that you need to get 60 grams of protein a day.

Make sure to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day to prevent water loss in the body.

Add raw vegetables to one meal a day.

For example; Day 1: 1 cherry tomato for breakfast, Day 2: Shepherd's salad for lunch.

Phase 3 Diet

Regular Diet (4th Week After Surgery)

If you have not encountered any tolerance problems with your soft diet, you can now switch to a regular diet. It is very important that you make a sustainable healthy eating program a lifestyle in your future life.

Important Principles for Sustainable Health Nutrition

Adequate and balanced, in other words healthy nutrition; milk and its products (yoghurt, ayran, cheese, etc.), meat and its products, chicken, fish, eggs and dried legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.) and oilseeds (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.), fresh vegetables. , fresh fruits, bread and grains (bulgur, rice, pasta, etc.) is consuming adequate and balanced food groups.

Body weight can be controlled by balancing daily energy intake and increasing physical activity. Healthy eating; It is indispensable for the entire life process, which starts in the womb, from infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood to old age, for the maintenance of life, growth and development, productivity, health and well-being.

Three main meals a day should be consumed in accordance with the principles of adequate and balanced nutrition. Especially breakfast should not be skipped. Skipping breakfast prevents the sustainability of a healthy body weight. A variety of foods should be consumed at meals.

Foods with low energy content (such as fruits, vegetables, milk and buttermilk) should be consumed between meals and care should be taken to choose healthy foods.

Consumption of foods with high content of simple carbohydrates, total and saturated fat (candy, chocolate, cake, pastry, pastry, donuts, fatty, creamy and all kinds of foods with unknown content) should be avoided.

Instead of drinks with high energy content (such as carbonated/non-carbonated drinks with added sugar and ready-made fruit juices), healthy drinks such as water, milk, buttermilk, freshly squeezed fruit juice should be preferred.

Consumption of foods with high fiber content is important in controlling body weight. For this purpose, whole grain products should be consumed instead of white bread, bulgur pilaf instead of rice, and vegetables and fruits themselves should be consumed instead of vegetable and fruit juices. Consumption of dried legumes should be increased.

Food should be chewed thoroughly and consumed slowly.

Care should be taken with water consumption. Water and other healthy drinks; It plays a role in the digestion, absorption and transportation of our food to cells, the formation of biochemical reactions necessary for life and health, the functioning of cells, tissues, organs and systems, the transportation and excretion of harmful substances formed as a result of metabolism, the control of body temperature and the lubrication of joints. In addition to all these, water also provides essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and fluoride. Fulfilling all these body functions is possible by maintaining the body water balance. Water balance of the body; It is achieved by replacing water loss through breathing, urine, sweat and feces with the amount of water taken with drinks and food. Therefore, daily water intake should not fall below 2.0-2.5 liters (8-10 glasses).

Portion amounts (size) should be taken into consideration to ensure energy balance.

Healthy choices should be made when eating out. Healthy cooking methods such as grilling, boiling and steaming should be preferred, and foods prepared with oily and creamy sauces and fried foods should be avoided.

Nutrition labels should be read when shopping for food and beverages. Attention should be paid to the energy and nutrient contents per serving on the label.

When grilling meat, the distance between the meat and the fire should be adjusted so that it does not burn the meat or become charred. Otherwise, carcinogenic substances are formed.

Excessive salt (sodium) consumption, excessive consumption of total fat, saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol in the diet, excessive consumption of sugar and foods with added sugar, consumption of vegetables and fruits that are very salty, pickled, various technological processes have been applied, and some additives have been used. should be reduced.

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